First Joint CoEs Technical Workshop

HiDALGO co-organises the "First Joint CoEs Technical Workshop" together with the Centres of Excellence EXCELLERAT and HiDALGO.
This event, which takes place on 27-29 January 2021, is open to HiDALGO, ChEESE and EXCELLERAT partners. Members of other CoEs may also participate.

Several HiDALGO partners present in this event:

Load Balancing session
Robert Elsässer (PLUS): "On Discrete Load Balancing with Diffusion Type Algorithms"

In situ and remote visualisation session
Anna Mack and Uwe Wössner (HLRS): "Web-based Visualisation of Air Pollution Simulation with COVISE"

Co-design session
Nikela Papadopoulou (ICCS): "Benchmarking of Current Architectures for Improvements" 

COE logos

First Joint CoEs Technical Workshop : 27-29 January 2021
Open to ChEESE, EXCELLERAT, HiDALGO participants
Workshop sessions limited to 35 attendees only. (Invited participants from other CoEs may apply to attend)

Session 1: Load balancing Session 2: In situ and remote visualisation Session 3: Co-Design Session 4: GPU Porting
Wednesday 27 January Afternoon Thursday 28 January Morning Thursday 28 January Afternoon Friday 29 January Morning
14:00-16:45 CET / 13:00-15:45 GMT 10:00-13:15 CET / 09:00-12:15 GMT 14:00-16:35 CET / 13:00-15:35 GMT 10:00-13:15 CET / 09:00-12:15 GMT
Chairperson: Ricard Borrell, BSC Chairpersons: Lorenzo Zanon & Anna Mack, HLRS Chairperson: Gavin Pringle, EPCC Chairpersons: Ivan Spisso & Piero Lanucara, CINECA
Link to detailed agenda of topic 1 - Load Balancing Link to detailed agenda of topic 2 - In situ & remote visualisation Link to detailed agenda of topic 3 - Co-design Link to detailed agenda of topic 4 - GPU Porting
Speakers: Marta Garcia (BSC) , Ricard Borrell (BSC), Gabriel Staffelbach (CERFACS), Michael Bader (TUM), Robert Elsäßer (PLUS) Speakers: Miguel Zavala(KTH), Simone Bna (CINECA), Anna Mack (HLRS), Uwe Wössner (HLRS), Dennis Grieger (HLRS) Speakers: Gavin Pringle (EPCC), Nick Brown (EPCC), Nikela Papadopoulou (ICCS), Georges-Emmanuel Moulard (ATOS), Ivan Spisso (CINECA) Speakers: Ivan Spisso (CINECA), Pietro Lanucara (CINECA), Simone Bna (CINECA), Marc de la Asuncion (UMA)