Looking for help?

How to access and use our community forum?

  1. You can reach us by https://askbot.hidalgo2.eu/questions/ 
  2. Please visit the community website and FAQ before posting a new question in the community forum
  3. There is a possibility that someone already posted similar questions, so you can get the initial answers quickly and may avoid the chance of repeting the same problem in a different Q&A thread.
  4. If you know the complete or partial answer to other questions, then you can post your answers to grow the community  
  5. This is the public platform to share knowledge around the Global System Sciences (GSS), so respect others view and their opinions to avoid criticism

How to contact our support team?

  1. You can reach us by support [at] hidalgo2 [dot] eu (support team email) or directly through ticketing tool 
  2. If the query is not be allowed to disclose in the public community forum due to the privacy and security concerns, then send it directly to the support-1 [at] hidalgo2 [dot] eu (support team email) for processing your queries securely 
  3. Please, do not create multiple support tickets for the same issue. We will acknowledge your query by an automatic email within a hour from   no-reply [at] hidalgo-project [dot] eu. Please, do not reply for the acknowledgement email. The initial solution will be provided within two to five working days from the support agent
  4. If you did not get an automatic acknowledgement email from no-reply [at] hidalgo-project [dot] eu within a hour, then escalate it to escalate [at] hidalgo-project [dot] eu
  5. If you did not get the initial answers from support team within five working days, then escalate it to escalate [at] hidalgo-project [dot] eu
  6. If the ticket is closed and you are not satisfied with the answer, then escalate it to escalate [at] hidalgo-project [dot] eu