
MOONSTAR is a global network service provider and has access to several industry Associations such as Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA), which represents 800 Mobile Operators and 200 leading Companies in the Mobile Sector. With its headquarter in Germany, MoonStar employs 12 staff members, the average turnover of MoonStarStar is 6 million euros per year. MoonStar´s core business is terminating voice traffic to all destinations of the world. MoonStarStar Communications handles daily more than 280 customers and manages approximately 190,000 minutes of retail and 900,000,000 minutes of wholesale traffic yearly. We are present at datacentres in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Dubai, London, and Hong Kong, Singapore. Through its worldwide communications network and strategic partnerships MoonStar provides a comprehensive range of cost efficient voice services for GSM operators, Fixed Line carriers and retail operators located all over the globe. As an international telecommunication company MoonStarStar Communications cooperates with leading telecommunication providers in every region of the world. Our bilateral partners of Tier 1 companies, PTTs, City Carriers and niche providers ensures our ability to provide excellent quality to all possible destinations in the world.

Our Role

The partner MoonStar has two different roles within the HiDALGO project. MOONSTAR is providing anonymised smartphone data as well as a tailored telecommunication simulation for Africa.

Firstly, anonymised smartphone data will be provided to the Pilot stakeholders, which act as a baseline to enable sensor data integration in particular for the Migration Pilot. Secondly, MoonStar also provides a Telecommunications Pilot, which is coupled to the Social Network analysis. MOONSTAR Telecommunication simulation requires accurate results of the Social Network simulation to provide results about how people interact. MOONSTAR is one of the providers to offer real-world data to increase the statistical performance of applications. This data includes anonymised telephone call data, which require deep analytical methods in conjunction with Machine Learning supported methods to provide meaningful outcomes for the migration case study.